Sunday, February 7, 2016

Brainstorming Ideas

Three Techniques for Brainstorming

Here are three effective techniques on how to have better brainstorm ideas. First technique is to Post-It and what I mean by that is write down any ideas you have on a sticky note and what you're writing about and post it and the wall, this helps you by remembering all the ideas you have without losing any vital information.
Second effective brainstorm technique is do the opposite, which means to write down a problem or challenge you need to solve. Then you reverse the problem by writing ideas on how to cause the problem. After, you use these causes as a discussion for new ideas. Another option you can do is get another person's idea and reverse their idea. From there you brainstorm ideas from the reverse idea.
Final technique is to Mind-map. What you do is write down one word on a piece of paper that is your topic. From there you write ideas around the word to help you with the brainstorming. This technique will help you be more organized and have

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