Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Reply Letter From Abby

February 8, 2016
36781 Sown St.
LA, CA 90023
February 8, 2016
5642 Grover St.
LA, CA 90001
Dear Saul Banuelos,
Hello Saul Banuelos I am Abby I am responding to the letter you sent to me earlier today. I have read your letter and have thought of some advice that can work for you some of these advice tips that I give you might be uncomfortable to you but you don’t have to do them. All of these tips are what I think that you should do, this is only my opinion if I tell you something and you do it it is not guaranteed to work. Don’t be blaming me if something goes wrong or you expected someone else.

For my first piece of advice I think that you should try to talk to her about it. Girls don’t normally don’t like it when you don’t talk to them about things that are bothering you. Normally, you know when a girl is cheating on you if you try to talk to her and she leaves you to go talk to another guy, it is up to you if you want to go after her or just leave her to go talk to the guy she actually wants to talk to. Now if she is having a good time with a guy and his friends she might just be having fun but if you don’t trust her then you might as well not be together.

If she starts blocking you on any social media she is most likely starting to forget about you and not caring about both of your relationship. She is preparing herself to either break up with you or preparing something nice for you most of the time it would be the first one. Finally I think that you should talk to her about it and if she doesn’t say anything than you should probably break up with her even if you think it’s the wrong thing to do.

Thus, I hope you do what you want and not what I am telling you to do after all this is your choice to do what you want to do. If you happen to do what I told you to do hope it works out for you and I am wishing for only the best to happen to you. If you need anything else from me feel more than welcomed to write again.


How to Survive your First Day of 9th Grade

How to Survive your First Day of 9th Grade

Many early freshmen have the problem of how to survive and to get out of the boring things in the first few days of 9th grade. Well in this blog we will explain how you can survive the first day of your freshmen year. There are many ways to survive the first day, but there are 3 major resources that will help you out a lot in the first year of high school.   

  • Make Friends: In the first day of 9th grade you might be lonely when it comes to having friends. Well actually having friends will help you a lot through the first days. It will help you to get  really good friends that can help you through the entire 9th grade and so much more. Making friends can also help you because it will be like a little break and meeting new people instead.  Also making friends will help you get a quick social life and be ready for the next day without being lonely, instead you will have many friends that will have your back. Therefore making friends is a good resource.

  • Don’t Get In Trouble: In the first day of school the first worst thing to do is get in trouble. If you get in trouble in the first day it is mostly death for you. Getting in trouble in the first day can lead to many things that will cause your whole 9th grade to be doomed. The first thing is that you will get in trouble. The second thing is that the teachers or staff will know you more and will have an eye on you on all the time. The third thing is that it is so embarrassing getting in trouble for the first day in the 9th grade.

  • Get to Know Your Teachers:  In the first day of 9th grade many teachers will explain themselves who they are and all about themselves too.  Even though it is very boring, getting to know your teachers will help you, and especially them. When you know your teachers better you can have a better relationship with them and not a bad one. That is why getting to know your teachers will help you in the first days of 9th grade.

These things had actually help me through the first days of my 9th grade. I didn’t and never got in trouble in the weeks that I have been in the 9th grade. I am always a good kid and I always have good grades. I also have a good relationship with all my teachers and I had many friends in the first day. That is how this had help me for every year of school.


Monday, February 8, 2016


Here are 3 benefits to playing high school sports. The three benefits are: being fit, gaining popularity and being recruited by colleges.

  • First benefit to playing high school sports is that you are fit throughout your high school years. High school students, when play sports and practice almost everyday after school for a period of about 2 months. This leads every student to being super fit and healthy compared to other students. A Lot of students become overweight due to all the junk food eating. And students that play sports are forced to eat healthy to be energized for practice and games during the season.

  • Second benefit to playing high school sports is gaining popularity. If your really good at the sport you play. People start to notice you as a local star in your area. This leads to more friends, teacher friends, boyfriends and girlfriends. This also leads to sponsors and scholarships. Leading to the next level of that sport.

  • Last benefit, to playing high school sports is being recruited by colleges. If you're a good athlete with good grades, good attitude and awesome athleticism, college recruits will want you on their team. This gives you a little bit of everything i have been talking about like being a lot more fit more popularity and possibly making it to the pros like NBA, NFL and MLB.

The way this has helped me out is by being noticed a lot more by people. And a good amount of these people have are my friends to this day. Another way this has helped me is by being a lot more fit. All my years of my life before entering high school  I was always fairly overweight, but then I joined football and basketball and burned through all those pounds within 2 weeks. Ever since then I've been fit and eating a lot more healthy. To conclude, this shows the benefits of high school sports.  

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Letter of advice for Abby

Letter Of Advice
February 8, 2016
5642 Grover St.
LA, CA 90001
February 8, 2016
36781 Sown St.
LA, CA 90023

Dear Abby,
Hello, my name is Saul. I am a student who goes to Aspire Ollin University Preparatory and I am a 9th grader. I play sports for my school in our Varsity team. I live in Los Angeles California and I have lived here my entire life. I am 13 years old. I am writing this letter to ask for some advice on my relationship. I hope you will be able to write back and give me great advice.
My girlfriend and I are having relationship problems. She keeps blocking me on all my social media and when we talk she stays distant. Also, she hangs out with more other guys than she does with me. Whenever I see them having a fun time I join in and everything stops being fun. She recently has been trying to shut me out. Do you have any advice on what I should do I am pretty much screwed because I don’t know what to do hence why I am writing this letter.

What do you think I should do should I talk to her about it or just keep it to myself I am afraid that if I talk to her she might break up with me. But I am also afraid that she will leave me for another guy. I don’t want to lose her because I really like her but I don’t think she likes me. Or should I just end the relationship before something happens or wait for her to leave me and be heartbroken.

Thank you for taking your time to read this letter and answering back. I understand if you don’t have enough time to read this letter but if you do please answer back. In conclusion, please take your time to read the whole thing but I won't take any advice that involves fighting because I do not fight especially for a girl because I don’t think that is worth it. Finally thank you for everything.


Saul Banuelos  

Tips On How To Be a Better 9th Grader

9th grade is a very hard grade especially since it is the first year of high school. As a 9th grader you have to have many responsibility. There are two ways to be a better 9th grader, the first way is to not be lonely, and the second way is to get good grades. The last way to be a better 9th grader is to be responsible.  

Don’t Be Lonely: As a new ninth grader you won’t really have friends to start off. Well don’t also end 9th grade without friends. To get new friends there is many things you can do. For example, be talkative and always trying to start conversations. Talking to people can change your fate in school and give you friends that can both help you in hard times and also, help you in school work. Friends can motivate you to do good in school and make you have a social life.

Good grades:  Keeping good grades in school can obviously help you get into college. This will help you in the future and will justify whether you enter college. It will justify what college you go to. Keeping good grades will help you succeed and will give you better opportunities to get a good job. Grades will help you a lot because it justifies the intelligent that you have. It also, justifies what you are capable of.

Be Responsible: A way to show that you are responsible is to always give in quality work and turn it in on time. Another way is to always administrate your time wisely and plan ahead when doing a task. If you are doing group work do not depend on your group to do all the work. Always be on time to school and always study before a big test. And always remember be responsible about your grades.

All in all, to be a better student you should follow these steps to HELP you. All, of these things will make you in 9th grade and will help you succeed. I have done these steps in my first year of 9th grade and many of you will have to make new friends and start off fresh you are going to have to make a good impression on the school.

The Hardest Grade in School Years
The hardest school year of all time is 9th grade, because of many reasons. The first reason is because , its is the first year of high school. The second reason is because the teachers give you a massive amount of work. The third reason is because you have to know that colleges check  your semester grades.

First Year of High School: The first year of High School is 9th grade. Then 9th grade is the hardest year in high school. It is the hardest year because it is the first, and we don’t really know the process of 9th grade. We don’t know how the water  flows in High School. We have to be at it in the first couple of weeks to get used to it. It is hard with all the things you have all around you. Once we get adapted to how the river flows, 9th grade will be much more easier.

Massive Amount of Work: In the first year of High School it is way different from Middle School. In middle school I remembered that students only got 1 page homework twice a week and that was it. As well as projects once or twice in the whole year. Also, classwork we would only have to read half the chapter of a book  and answer about 10 questions. And in high school you get up to 5 pages of homework everyday for the whole week. As well as getting projects about every 2 weeks. And any classwork that you don’t finish adds on to the homework already assigned.

Colleges Keep An Eye On Everything of You : Almost every assignment counts in high school: tests, homework and classwork. And colleges check all your grades from each semester. This determines the type of college you will be going to and what career you will pursuit. And if you fail in high school a high rated high school will most likely not accept you due to poor grades. And if you work your hardest 24/7 and maintain a high GPA almost every college will accept you. That is why it is the hardest year in High School.

This has helped me through my 9th grade year because it is helping me to know that 9th grade is a challenge and it is nothing for me. Therefore I have been thinking into how college will be harder and how 9th grade will not be as a challenge anymore. But it is a hard grade to do all what you want to do.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

What makes Me? Me? (Kevin Martinez)

What make Me? Me?doctors
My name I Kevin Martinez and I am 14 years old. I love to make people laugh smile. I am very energetic and love to play video games. My identity is my heritage and the people that I love. I like to play Soccer and Basketball with friends. My favorite video game to play is Black Ops 3 on PlayStation 4. I love to make new friends and meet new people. I aspire to be a doctor when I grow up and want to graduate with a masters or maybe a PH.D.I want to attend Stanford and be successful. I want to get a 4.0 this semester. I want to be a doctor to make a difference in the world. I want to help people that are sick and that are in need of help.

I want to go to college to show my family that us Hispanics can do whatever we put our minds to. I love playing around with my loved ones and enjoy partying. I was born on September 6, 2001. I am a person that loves to plan ahead when it helps me come out of sticky situations. I enjoy spending time with my loved ones. I love traveling around the world I have traveled to Rhode Island. I have never traveled outside the United States but hope one day to travel elsewhere. 

I  want to continue to do good in school and continue to succeed in life as a student. School isn't my favorite place to be in but, it is necessary to be in school to get good grades to go to college. Sure the work is harder in 9th grade but at the end of the run it is all worth it. We all take everything we have for granted and don't think twice when we give in work and try and make it better if not we just complete it to just do it. But, my goals this year is to be better in school and try much harder to do good in school. I love my family for always being there for me and always pushing me to do better.  

Intro to me (Saul B)

engineering-images-8.jpgMy name is Saul Banuelos, I am 14 years old. I am a very hardworking, and energetic individual. I play sports for my school Aspire Ollin University Prep. It would be hard to keep up with them both school and sports. Especially when I had a soccer game I would be taken out of class early so I would miss my last period and half of my second period I would have homework and projects I had to catch up on. I wasn't sure what I should do the next day, should I go talk to my teacher or just wait. I waited which was a bad idea because I was way behind and had to do way more homework than other people in my class. Sometimes I would have 2 games in 2 days so I would miss 2 classes, imagine how much take out of class early so I would miss my last period and half of my second period so it was hard to keep up with everything. I ended up with average grade and an alright GPA.
Sometimes I would have to have a project due the next day and I didn't know what to do I had to do a 5 paragraph essay overnight just because I didn't go talk with the teacher a day before it was due. I don't recommend doing that because it was very stressing because I also had homework due for other classes. For my future career I am not really sure what I want to be but I know that I want it to be along the lines of Engineering and architecture.

Brainstorming Ideas

Three Techniques for Brainstorming

Here are three effective techniques on how to have better brainstorm ideas. First technique is to Post-It and what I mean by that is write down any ideas you have on a sticky note and what you're writing about and post it and the wall, this helps you by remembering all the ideas you have without losing any vital information.
Second effective brainstorm technique is do the opposite, which means to write down a problem or challenge you need to solve. Then you reverse the problem by writing ideas on how to cause the problem. After, you use these causes as a discussion for new ideas. Another option you can do is get another person's idea and reverse their idea. From there you brainstorm ideas from the reverse idea.
Final technique is to Mind-map. What you do is write down one word on a piece of paper that is your topic. From there you write ideas around the word to help you with the brainstorming. This technique will help you be more organized and have

Get to know me (Victor Morales)

Get To Know Me
My name is Victor Morales I'm 15 years old, I'm a Freshman at OUP high-school. Here is a little bit about me that you should know. I'm a huge sports person so I love to play sports like football, basketball and baseball as well as support my favorite professional team. I'm also a huge video game person I play Call of Duty, Madden Football, NBA 2K basketball, and etc. And in school I'm really good at history and biology. I'm a smart talented kid who has a bright future, through school and everyday life who plans to be an engineer and be a successful.  With my family, we are very social and like to go out to places a lot. Now you know a a lot more about me and what I like to do.
The first time I entered high-school I was very worried about how difficult it would be. And it is, if you don't keep up with the teachers standards. So I was very organized with my work and I asked a lot of questions. After a while you would feel like giving up but, I would tell myself "The key to more money is school," so I would just keep pushing through all the ups and downs.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tips to help you succeed in 9th grades

Four Major Things that Will Help You in 9th Grade For Better Study Skills

In 9th grade you can suffer from assessments if you don't study. Well if you suffer from lack of studying, well here are 4 best study aid apps to study better. There are 5 things that can be a huge benefit for students to study more efficient.  The five things are organization, rest, better notes, and to learn how you like to study.

  1. Organization: Organization is one of the key points that will help you study more efficient. Being organized will help know what and how to study. When you have a test for biology, then if you are organized then you can easily find your notes or worksheets and study with no problems. On the other side, if you are not organized then you won’t be able to find your notes and you will have less time to study and probably get an F on your test, This is why you should always be organized.                                                                                                                                                                   
  2. Rest: Rest is another thing that you can do, in order to study more efficiently. When you are well rested, you have a higher percentage to get a better score that you want. When you study before you rest, and then you rest all the information that you just studied is being memorized in your brain. Then if you don’t get enough sleep all the process is not able to be memorized all, but only a bit. Scientists say that with not very sleep 40% of the information you just learned goes away and doesn’t get memorized by your brain. This is why getting rest is very important in order to study more efficiently.
  3. Better Notes: Taking better notes will help you a lot to study more efficiently. In class teachers give you what to write, but some information that they put is not necessary. Therefore take better notes by only writing down what is better and notes that you will understand to remember when studying.  It will help you a lot when in high school, because many teachers just put the notes in the board and that is class. If you don’t take good notes, then you just f***ed yourself because then you don’t know what information to study more about any topic.
  4. Learn how you like to study: The major thing to learn how to study is to know how you want to study. Which can be called a study habit. There are many people that study with the idea of watching some informational videos.  Other have to hear it and others have to write about it. It is important to find how you can study better because it will help you a lot, which can possibly raise your test scores by a lot too.

These study tips have helped me through every year of Middle School and High School on how to better study for any tests. I have progressed my test grades form a C+ average to an A- average. I was one of those kids who would struggle with the idea of studying. Now I am a very smart kid and get good grades.

Who I am! (Edagr G.)

Hi my name is Edgar Galindo and my birthday is on June 27, 2001, meaning I am 14 years old. I am the oldest in my family, which makes me the role model for my young brother and sister. I am very smart for a boy who is very busy during the whole entire week. My GPA ranges from a 3.95 to a 4.00. During the week I have practice for my soccer academy from 7 pm to 9:30 pm. I hardly get any sleep during the week, which makes me tired and sometimes feel like falling asleep in class. During class I am timid and shy. I would hardly participate during class, but I have been working on it.

I come from a Latino family of 6 members. My mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle and grandma. We all live under the same roof. In this family I am the brains and I will be the first one to graduate from a university. I like to go out and do fun activities, like conventions and like tough mudder. I am very active and I take care of my body. On the weekends I also sometimes go to the gym, or to any soccer game that I have. When I grow up my dream is to play for any major professional club in Europe. I also want to be and engineer and architect. That is who I am. Engineer
In my first semester of 9th grade went really good. My semester one G
PA was a 3.95. I was happy and sad at the same time. I was happy because it was a really good GPA overall and I worked really hard for it. At the same time I feel bad because I knew I was able to get that 4.00, but I stated lacking off in math class. which made my GPA drop down .05 points. That was my semester of 9th grade.